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What is Portfolio Management?
A portfolio manager oversees a portfolio of investments in various financial markets on behalf of someone else. Portfolio managers are responsible for identifying investment opportunities, tracking the portfolio’s performance, exiting investments at the right moment, and seeking new investments. The objective of a portfolio manager is to optimize the portfolio to seek the potential opportunities in the market while limiting risk. A portfolio manager must follow all developments across all markets.
Do you want to know more about what a portfolio manager does?
Talk to one of our portfolio managers today.
Time is money. Invest it wisely.
Here’s how Trade Markets portfolio management helps you invest time wisely.
Your time is an invaluable asset. Successful trading requires investing as much time as it does capital to:
Save yourself time and effort but still keep the opportunity of making money open by letting a personal market professional trade on your behalf and start earning time.
* Risk Warning: Trading in forex and CFDs could lead to a loss of your invested capital.
Trade Markets Licensed Portfolio Management Overview
We add incredible value to our clients by offering a licensed portfolio management service that allows you to delegate your everyday trading activities to professional market analysts and investment professionals.
Licensed by Financial Sector Conduct Authority(FSCA) with
the license number
52313 and authorized to provide portfolio
management services.
You set the level of drawdown that your assigned portfolio manager should follow when managing your investments.
Portfolio management is performed by professional traders who meet rigorous criteria.
Get regular performance meetings and statements
to assess the
performance and goals of
your portfolio.
There is no lock-in period
or penalties for
withdrawing some or all
of your invested capital.
Why Sign Up For Portfolio Management?
A successful trader is achieved through persistent learning, constantly analysing the markets, vigorously monitoring trades and risks and testing numerous techniques and strategies. All of which is tiresome and endless work. No matter how wealthy you become, one thing you can never buy back is your time.
Knowing the personal dedication required, Trade Markets has designed the most efficient investment solution that will add ‘time’ to the list of your returns on investments. Our team of licensed portfolio managers will skillfully handle all your trading activities. The objective is not merely to reduce the time you allocate to investing, but to potentially enhance the yield of your investments.
Portfolio management services allow you to delegate the management of your financial assets to a seasoned professional and thus freeing up your valuable time while still ensuring that your capital continues to work for you.
Time is a Priceless Asset.
Don’t invest it where it’s not needed.
With a managed investment portfolio, your money works for you, instead of you working for money. Your capital works autonomously, allowing you to potentially enjoy returns in money as well as time.
* Risk Warning: Trading in forex and CFDs could lead to a loss of your invested capital.
What Trade markets can offer you
Our secret sauce is the professional we employ to manage our client’s investment portfolios. Each member of the Trade markets portfolio management team is passionate about financial markets and brings something slightly different to ensure we have a diverse range of knowledge, skills and experience at our disposal.
Save yourself time and potential losses by letting a personal market professional trade on your behalf and start earning time.
* Risk Warning: Trading in forex and CFDs could lead to a loss of your invested capital.
Select Your Trading Accounts
Four ways to trade with Trade Markets.
As a leading investment broker, Trade Markets has developed competitive solutions to help clients trade and invest in the financial markets. You can choose how much you’re willing to allocate to
your investment strategy.
Trade Markets SILVER
Trade Markets GOLD
Trade Markets PREMIUM
Risk Warning: Trading in Forex and CFDs could lead to a loss of your invested capital
How to get started with a managed investment portfolio?
Tell us
about your objectives.
We know you want to make money, who doesn’t? We want to know how much risk you’re willing to tolerate, and we’ll design a strategy to make as much profit as possible with the capital you deposit and within your risk parameters.
Get a proposal and share your ideas.
Your personal portfolio manager will pitch recommendations and hear your thoughts. If there are some specific instruments you want to be included in your portfolio, we’ll do our best to incorporate them and balance risk accordingly.
Get started with just €2,500.
Once your portfolio has been designed, the final step is to fund your account with just €2,500 and our investment experts will take care of the rest. Now you can get on with your life and wait for regular statements and meetings from your portfolio manager.
How you can define the risk of your investments.
Risk is an unavoidable feature of investing. Without risk, there is no reward. When you sign up with Trade Markets, your financial profile and knowledge will be assessed by experienced professionals to define your risk appetite. Later, you’ll be able to discuss your investment objectives with a licensed portfolio manager so they can tailor an investment strategy around you. When an investment is rated as low risk in the world of finance, it generally means a lower reward will be produced. In contrast, an investment classified as high risk is typically associated with being able to achieve higher reward. However, if the risk is too high, it can mean no reward at all and can ultimately result in loss of some or all of the initial capital. It is essential to define investment objectives when onboarding with your portfolio manager accurately.
Risk can be defined as either low, medium, high and very high. Here are some textbook examples of different types of investment portfolios.
Low-risk portfolios are very conservative in nature and tuned for fighting inflation.
A low-risk strategy will allocate the majority of capital to less risky assets like fixed-income products and real estate. Only a few per cent will be allocated to large-cap US stocks. Low-risk portfolios are therefore expected to experience little less volatility (fluctuation of value).
Medium-risk portfolios are optimised for risk-averse growth.
A medium-risk strategy will allocate half of the capital towards low-risk investments, like fixed income products and the rest towards US large-cap and small-cap stocks and a small per cent towards stocks from emerging markets. Medium-risk portfolios are expected to experience lower volatility (fluctuation of value) than stock markets as they are balanced with less risky products.
High-risk portfolios are expected to achieve attractive long-term growth and tolerate short-term volatility.
A high-risk strategy will allocate more capital towards assets that potentially have very lucrative upsides, such as forex, emerging market stocks and small-cap stocks from developed markets. The risk of a high-risk investment portfolio is generally aligned with that of the stock market since most of the portfolio’s capital is allocated in various stock markets.
Very high-risk portfolios are very aggressive and often are riskier than the stock market.
A very high-risk strategy will allocate nearly all capital towards forex, alternative investment products and stocks from almost any market. Very little will be allocated to low-risk investments, therefore making the portfolio very unbalanced and susceptible to market volatility. The risk level of a very high-risk investment portfolio is considered to be greater than that of the stock market, because of various alternative and volatile investments.